5 Theses

These propositions are put forward for discussion and debate.

  1. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are being given to believers throughout the church without regard for denomination or hierarchy. The Spirit blows where it will, as scripture says, and God is not bound by human institutions.
  2. There is and can only be one church, because (as we read in Ephesians 4:4-5) there is one body, one spirit, one Lord, and one faith. This church includes all who follow Jesus.
  3. Jesus is Lord and God raised him from death. Everyone who believes and confesses this much will be saved, as we read in Romans 10:9-10.
  4. Sharing of the holy things depends only on the invitation of Christ. Jesus himself is the bread of life, and he tells us that anyone who comes to him he will certainly not cast out, but all who put their faith in him will be given eternal life, as we read in John 6.
  5. The Roman church, by its insistence on things not required or established by Christ, separates itself from full communion with the whole of Christ's church.

SNC Ecclesiology; July, 1997